Cable Rear Delt Fly – High Cable,Single Arm,Lying & Bent Over

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  • Cable Rear Delt Fly – High Cable,Single Arm,Lying & Bent Over
Cable Machine

For the shoulder muscles to look good, all parts of it must grow together. But the most common mistake people make when building the shoulder muscle is not focusing the muscle on the back of the shoulder. That muscle is called the Rear Deltoid. “Cable Rear Delt Fly” is a great exercise to build up it. There are several variations of this exercise.


If you are trying to build muscle, it is best to do 4 sets of 8 reps each. If you exercise to increase strength, do 4 sets of 15 reps each.

How to Do Cable Rear Delt Fly

To perform this exercise, you must use a cable machine with two pulleys. If you don’t have a cable machine, check out the “Cable Rear Delt Fly Alternatives” at the bottom of this article.

High Cable Rear Delt Fly

One of the main variations of the cable rear delt fly is the High Cable Rear Delt Fly. It is also known as standing cable rear delt fly, and cross cable rear delt fly.

High Cable Rear Delt Fly
High Cable Rear Delt Fly
  1. First, you have to lift the two pullies of the cable machine to the highest position.
  2. Then grab the right handle of the cable machine with your left hand and the left handle with your right hand. (Crossover position)
  3. Go back about 3 feet from the machine. Keep one leg forward to create a better stable position.
  4. Keep your hands in front of your face. Bend the elbow slightly. That prevents the bicep muscles from doing this exercise.
  5. Keep your shoulders back and chest up.
  6. Now pull the cables to the side with good control. After pulling, your hands should be at shoulder level. Then bring it back to its previous position. Repeat it.

In this exercise, try to keep the angle between the cable and the ground unchanged. This exercise can also be done by installing the pulleys of the cable machine at the eye level. It is called the “Reverse Cable Fly”.

Single Arm Cable Rear Delt Fly

This exercise is performed using only one hand. Therefore, it is important to keep the body steady during exercise. You can get a more stable position by keeping your hand on your hip while doing the exercise. This exercise is also known as “One Arm Reverse Cable Fly”.

Single Arm Cable Rear Delt Fly
Single Arm Cable Rear Delt Fly
  1. Bring the pulley of the cable machine to your shoulder level.
  2. Now stand in front of the pulley facing it. Here, when you stretch your hand, you should be able to catch the handle of the pulley. Pinch your shoulder blades back. Keep the back straight.
  3. Raise one hand in front of the shoulder and grab the handle of the pulley. Bend the elbow slightly.
  4. Now pull the cable under control. When the arm is parallel to the body, stop and move back to the starting position.

This way, you can do as many reps as you like with one hand and do the same number of reps to the other hand.

Lying Cable Rear Delt Fly

Here, we lie on a bench and do the Cable Rear Delt Fly exercise. This way, the tension can be better supplied to the Rear Deltoid muscle, as the body is more stable.

  1. Install the pulley on the cable machine as high as possible.
  2. Place the bench between the two cables. Then grab the right handle with the left hand and the left handle with the right hand and lie on the bench.
  3. Pinch the shoulder blades to the back. Keep your hands above your head.
  4. Then pull the cable with control. Once you reach shoulder level, slowly move back to the starting position.

Bent Over Cable Rear Delt Fly

This exercise takes the form of “bent over lateral raises”. But we do this using cables.

Bent Over Cable Rear Delt Fly
Bent Over Cable Rear Delt Fly
  1. First, bring the pulley of the cable machine to its lowest position.
  2. Then grab the left handle with the right hand and the right handle with the left hand. Stand near the center of the two pulleys.
  3. Then bend to 90 degrees. Your back should be flat and parallel to the ground.
  4. Keep your hands directly below your head. Bend the elbow slightly.
  5. Now pull the cable under control until your hands reach shoulder level. Move back to the previous position.

Stability must also be considered when performing this exercise.

Cable Rear Delt Fly Muscles Worked

Posterior Deltoid
Posterior Deltoid/Rear Deltoid

As the name of this exercise, it primarily works on the Rear Deltoid (Posterior Deltoid) muscle that lays on the back of the shoulder. But also other muscles in the shoulder (Deltoid muscles) work to some extent. Your upper back muscles and trapezius muscles work as secondary muscles. Core muscles also work to keep you stable.


Cable Rear Delt Fly Alternatives

If you are having troubles to use a cable machine, try the following exercises. This exercises also work primarily on the Rear Deltoid muscle, and they are quite effective as the Cable Rear Delt Fly.

Bent Over Dumbbell Lateral Raise

This exercise is one of the most popular exercises for the Rear Deltoid muscle. It is done by using dumbbells as in Bent Over Cable Rear Delt Fly. Be sure to keep your spine always parallel to the ground.

Bent Over Kettlebell Face Pull

Bent Over Kettlebell Face Pull
Bent Over Kettlebell Face Pull

Bend in the same way as in the bent over dumbbell lateral raises exercise. Then grab a kettlebell with both hands and place it below your face. Now slowly bring it to your face. Move back to your previous position. Repeat it.

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