A viral kids song and muscular abs? Not a good combination? But trust me this works. “Baby shark” is a popular kids’ song by a Korean Youtube channel named Pinkfong. I am sure you heard about Baby Shark Ab Challenge. It was spread all over the internet a while ago. So in this article, I’m going to tell you how to do Baby Shark Ab Workout step by step.
What is Baby Shark Ab Workout
Baby Shark Ab Workout is a simple ab workout routine you have to do with the rhythm of the Baby Shark song while it playing. It’s about 2 minutes long.
It’s simple. You play the Baby Shark song and do the workout I am going to mention later. Because of it’s only 2 minutes long you will think you can do it without much effort. But it’s not. After you do this your abs will burn.
Why this is so special?
Abs workout are lazy right? You do it only if you have enough time and your mindset is okay. (You can be different). Because of that even well builded men are struggling with abs. But Abs are really important not only for look also to strengthen your core.That’s why this is gonna work. Workout with a kids’ song is fun. Once you hear it, the song doesn’t leave your head. It shifts your focus from the burning feeling of your abs. And the beat goes well with the workout. This is short and fun so we can do this every day. From the beginning to the end of the song, we don’t touch our legs to the floor. So even if we don’t do anything, it’s like a two minute ab exercise. If you’re a beginner this will be challenging for you at first. But keep doing.
How to do Baby Shark Ab Workout?
First of all download the song baby shark. Then you start by lying on your back. Please use an exercise mat or something like that or your tailbone will hurt.
(I can recommend this mat. Because most of exercise mats are 1/4″ thin. It’s not enough for this kind of exercise. This one is 1/2″ and Non-Slippery. Comes with additional knee pad(Usefull with knee down exercises) and carrying strap. : https://amzn.to/30yL6Gm )
Then play the song baby shark. You lift you your torso and legs then try to touch your legs with hands as a stretching while music plays. (Until the first verse start) Remember you don’t put down your legs until the song ends. (If you’re a beginner it’s ok at first) Then follow this exercise with the different verses of the song. Remember the most important thing is your legs. And don’t do them too fast or slow. Control the movement. (If you don’t know the names of exercises watch the video I have embedded at end)
- Good ol’ Scissors (Spread your legs apart and bring them close again while your hands hover over knees)
- Alternating Leg Raises
- V-Ups
- Alternating Knee Tucks
- Lift both knees to your chest (Really I don’t know the name)
- Scissors
- Mountain Climbers
- Come to the V position and move your hand like you wiping sweat on your forehead
- Move your hand like you dance to a jazz song.
Ok That’s it. Do it daily and I am sure you will get results. Share this with your friend who like to be fit. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter by buttons in the sidebar.
How to get a wider bicep: https://biceptricep.com/how-to-get-wider-biceps-scientific-method/
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